Swamala Compound promotes nourishment of all Saptadhatus specially Shukradhatu as well increase Virya (oja).
Excellent revitalizer & immunomodulator with properties like Rasayan & Medhya, Raktavardhak, Vrushya.
- Dourbalya
- Dhatukshaya
- Jeernajwara
- Karshya
- Napunsakatva
- Manodourbalya
- Rajayakshma
- Shukrakshaya
Effect on Tridosha
It helps balance Vatta, Pitta and Kapha
1 to 2 teaspoon twice morning or evening on empty stomach, or as directed by your doctor.
Side Effects
There are no side effects of this products
Abhraka Bhasma, Chyavanprash (Ashtavarga), Kantaloha Bhasma, Suvarna Bhasma, Roupya Bhasma, Pravala Pishti, Makardhwaj (Poornachandrodaya)
Customer Care No - 91-22-30036111
Contact manufacturer:
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited, 135, Nanubhai Desai Road, Khetwadi, Mumbai 400004, Maharashtra, INDIA
Tel: + 91 22 2382 5888, + 91 22 3003 6300, Fax: + 91 22 2388 1308, Email: healthcare@sdlindia.com