Santulan - Amrut Sharkara
: In stock
: Santulan
₹ 2,286.00 ...
₹ 2,286.00 ₹ 2,290.00

Amrut shatkara a special Rasayan developed by late Shri Balaji Tambe and Atma Santulan team. It contains gold as described in ayurvedic texts, is very beneficial for improving grasping power, the digestive fire, immunity, vitality, and complexion (Kashyap Sanhita). Saffron according to Ayurveda is very beneficial for improving complexion reducing pigmentation and balancing the doshas (Bhava-Prakash).
People of any age or gender except infants can use this product
It can also be used for making panchamrut.
It is a very popular product for Pregnant women because amrut shatkara benefits in pregnancy
For detailed information click on the below link:
Wonderful Tonic Post pregnancy
Can we take it during pregancy? Is it good to be taken in pregancy? what are the affect on foetus?
Amrut shakata one of the best tonic what we have got results in general weakness and energy in life thank-you for timely delivery
Pandurang dusane