Swasthyashailee Masala Cashew have become popular throughout the world for their delicate flavor and extraordinary health benefits.Masala Cashew has delicious taste. A considerable amount of cashews in your diet can provide you with many health benefits
Cashews Are Protein Rich
Like all nuts, cashews provide an excellent source of protein. Protein is one of three macronutrients your body uses for energy, and it is particularly important for rebuilding muscle tissue and creating new cellular compounds. Plus, eating protein prevents you from getting hungry between meals, which can help you stick to a healthy eating plan.
Eating Cashews Could Boost Your Immune System
In addition to containing high amounts of copper, cashews are a great source of zinc Failing to get enough zinc compromises your immune system functioning, since this mineral is important for the development of immune system cells, production of antioxidant enzymes and activity of immune system regulator.
Cashews Are an Excellent Source of Antioxidants
Antioxidants, the compounds that counteract oxidative damage in the cell. Antioxidants sweep through the cell, neutralizing free radicals that can cause cellular damage. Some of the most potent antioxidants include vitamins E and K.
Other Health benefits are as follow -
1. Heart Health
2. Prevents Blood Disease
3. Protects the Eye
4. Good for the Skin
5. Weight Loss
6. Source of Dietary Fibres
7. Healthy and Shiny Hair