Sandu Punarnavasav is a classical medicine for Liver, kidney & urinary disorders. It is the best herbal medicine for disorders related to the kidney, liver and heart. It effectively flushes out accumulated body fluids by increasing urine output and thus reduces oedema. It reduces ascitic fluid in ascites arising due to liver diseases. It increases hemoglobin levels and helps to tackle anemia and its associated complications like swelling.
It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and cholagogue action.
By its diuretic action it excretes excess fluid out of body thus helpful in Generalised oedema and Ascites.
It protects liver cells as well as it helps in regeneration of Liver cells
By its cholagogue action it ensures proper bile flow into the intestine
Indications -
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of Liver, Ascites and Generalised oedema and Oliguria.
Dose - 4 teaspoon or as directed by physician