Noble - Pneumotox

: In stock

: Noble Life Energy

₹ 230.00 ₹ 235.00

INDICATION: Acts as an alveolar detoxifier and improves the oxygen-carbondioxide gas exchange system. Helps remove debris and other toxic deposits in the lungs which occur due to smoke...

₹ 230.00

INDICATION: Acts as an alveolar detoxifier and improves the oxygen-carbondioxide gas exchange system. Helps remove debris and other toxic deposits in the lungs which occur due to smoke and polluted air.

ACONITUM NAPELLUS: Also known as monk's hood or wolfsbane, aconite is a flowering plant of genus aconitum and is native to central and Western Europ BRYONIA ALBA: Commonly called as bryony, it is a gourd plant native to the eastern and central Europe.FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM: It is derived from the phosphate of Iron.
IODIUM: Prepared from the element iodine.
KALI CARBONICUM: Also called as carbonate of potassium. KALI MURIATICUM: It is a preparation made from elements potassium and chloride.
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM: Commonly called as club moss or ground pine. RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Also known as poison ivy, it is an Asian and North American flowering plant. SULPHUR: It is a chemical element and is a yellow crystalline solid.
CHELIDONIUM MAJUS: Also called as greater celandine, it is a perinatal herbaceous plant native to Europe and Western Asia. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS: Also known as blood root, it is a traditional medicine used by native Americans for respiratory infections. ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM: Also called as Antimony potassium tartrate.

USEFUL TIPS: If you notice the signs and symptoms of pulmonary toxicity, start using Noble Pneumotox E003 complex immediately. . Exercise is the key. Being physically active can keep your lungs healthy.
Eat a balanced diet. Select foods from all food groups: grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, milk and oil.
Stop smoking and protect yourself from dust and fumes. If symptoms persist, consult your physician.

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