INDICATIONS: It maintains physical growth of youngsters , provides energy and nutrition, improves digestion, increases the immunity of the kid and thereby increases resistance and make the kid able to fight infections, it removes the flatulence & constipation, expels the worms, facilitates easy dentition, rectifies the abnormalities like poor growth, late dentition, colic pain, dysentery, vomiting.
Composition: Cina 3X, Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) Q, Carica Papaya 3X, Chamomilla officinalis Q, Anisum can 3X, Five phosphoricum 30.
DOSAGE: CHILDREN up to 1 year: ½ teaspoonful & Above 1 year: 1 teaspoonful with milk or water 2-3 times a day or as directed by the physician.
PACKING: 200ml.