Ayurveda Defines Health as in a different manner as per Sushruta Samhita
- Maintain the health of the healthy individual - Prevention is better than Cure
- Treat the disease of the diseased - Cure the disease
Health is a state where all the Digestive Agni (Fire, Digestion), balance in Tridosha Vata, Pitta and Kapha, all the body Dhatus (tissues) & components, all the physiological processes are in perfect monotonus and the soul, the sense organs and mind are in a state of total Happiness.
Health Care
₹ 2,286.00
₹ 144.00
₹ 403.13
₹ 87.00
₹ 133.00
₹ 160.00
₹ 430.00
₹ 160.00
₹ 136.00
₹ 100.00
₹ 150.00
₹ 158.00
₹ 160.00
₹ 50.00
₹ 135.00
₹ 160.00
₹ 158.00
₹ 113.00
₹ 108.00
₹ 138.00