Wheezal - Hekla Lava Tooth Powder
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₹ 108.00 ...
₹ 108.00 ₹ 110.00
Indications: Bleeding gums, Toothache, Decaying of teeth, Bad breath. Composition: Plantago Q, Calendula Q, Calc. Phos. 3x, Azadirachta Indica Q, Staphysagria Q, Kreosote Q, Calc.Carb. 3x, Hekla Lava...
Indications: Bleeding gums, Toothache, Decaying of teeth, Bad breath.
Composition: Plantago Q, Calendula Q, Calc. Phos. 3x, Azadirachta Indica Q, Staphysagria Q, Kreosote Q, Calc.Carb. 3x, Hekla Lava 3x, Calc. Fluor. 3x, Merc Cor. 3x
Presentation: 100 gm