Zandu - Trishun Tablets

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: Zandu

Regular price ₹ 180.00

Pollutants, incorrect way of life can cause reduced immunity and  cold, cough and flu signs and symptoms. Zandu Trishun tablets strengthen immunity and fights viruses. to avoid infection...

₹ 180.00

Pollutants, incorrect way of life can cause reduced immunity and  cold, cough and flu signs and symptoms. Zandu Trishun tablets strengthen immunity and fights viruses. to avoid infection successfully. Take Zandu Trishun at the first signal. If the cold is excessive, trishun pills stops fast alleviation. Trishun drugs acts well with warm water, tea or espresso, treats bacteria and gives long lasting relief.

Zandu Trishun combines advantages of sudarshan churna and tribhuvan kirti rasa. Sudarshan churna has a principle herbal plant Swerita chirata, whereas tribhuvan kirti rasa combines medicinal plant life which has capacity to alleviate ache, and fever and incorporates piper longun  to enhance immunity.


  • Cold and cough
  • Flu
  • Allergic reactions

Effects on Dosha

It mainly balances inflammed kafa.


As directed by physician.

Side Effects

There are no side effects of this product.


Extracts of Tribhuvan Kirti ,Sudarshan Churna with others.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Relief from cough and flu

Immediate relief from cough and cold