Unjha - Punarnava Mandur

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: Unjha Pharmacy

Regular price ₹ 80.00

An excellent Raktavardhak (Improve Blood Count and Quality) removes toxins from the blood help in decreasing urea/creatinine, cholesterol and other toxins.& Shothaghna Yoga specially acting on liver with...

₹ 80.00

An excellent Raktavardhak (Improve Blood Count and Quality) removes toxins from the blood help in decreasing urea/creatinine, cholesterol and other toxins.& Shothaghna Yoga specially acting on liver with the ingredients like ‘Punarnava’ & ‘Mandoora’. In Pandu by acting on Liver as well as Pitta it helps in proper excretion of Mala as well as enhances blood circulation. Effective in Shotha being fortified with Gomutra. Alleviates Dhatushaithilya thereby promoting Agnideepan.

Punarnava or Hog Weed Punarnava is found throughout India. It is a very important plant for urinary system. It is a wonderful natural diuretic. Mandoora (Ferric oxide) loha bhasma is purified and boiled in cow&'s urine till it becomes a thick liquid like consistency. Ayurveda considers herbal diuretics as an effective solution for people looking to lose weight,  hence it is used for weight loss also, It is mainly used in the treatment of Anemia, splenomegaly, piles, fever etc.

Also called as Punarnava Mandura or Punarnava Mandoor

Effect on Tridosha

It helps Balances  Pitta and Kapha.


    Anemia – Pandu roga
    chronic fever
    Diuretic and is useful in renal disorders
    Endotoxins accumulation.
    Gout- Vata Rakta
    Hemorrhoids- Arsha Shoola
    Infective skin diseases
    Kamala – Jaundice
    Kasa- Cough
    Krumi – Worms – Helminthiasis
    Malabsorption syndrome
    Odema – Edema  is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitium
    Pleehodara – Fatty Liver
        Low Platelet count
        Low RBC
    Shotha – Inflammation or Swelling on Liver  
    Shwasa – Respiratory disease
    Swelling around Joints - inflammatory conditions
    Udara – Ascites
    Yakrutodara – Liver related Disease

Punarnava Mandoora side effects

There are no known side effects of this product

It is best to take this medicine with doctors suggestion only in case of pregnancy, Lactation for children’s.

 This medicine can be safely taken for a period of up to 4 – 6 months.

Very high dose especially with Pitta body persn may cause Acidity, Allergic reaction, Heartburn, Stomach or abdomen pain, Indigestion, Belching(burping), Upset Stomach.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Unjha Pharmacy - Punarnava Mandoor

Punarnava Mandoor is very effective in blood purifier