Dhootapapeshwar Yogendra Rasa with premium quality gold is complete solution to all diseases caused by inflammed vaat in the body. It is a drug of choice in Sandhigata Vata Asthigata Vata and Jeerna Sandhivikar. So almost all vaat related disorders like joint pains, pain deep down bones like rheumatoid arthritis and old chronic pains in arthritis can be treated wisely and efficiently by this medicine.Yogendra Rasa conquers all the Vatavikar with powerful formulation, qualities and action
This is used to treat urinary infections like polyuria, anuria etc.
- Jeerna and Dhatukshayajanya Sandhivikar (arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis)
- Jeernavastha of Pakshaghata (Paralysis)
- Prameha (Diabetes)
- Bahumootrata (Polyuria)
- Mootraghata (Anuria)
- Neuritis
- Unmada
- Apasmar (Epilepsy)
- Moorcha
- Indriya Dourbalya.
Effects on Tridosha
This product effectively controls Vaat.
1 to 2 tablets once or twice a day with Dashmoolarishta, Maharasnadi kadha, Sarawatarishta, Vanshalochan, Sugar or honey or as directed by physician
Side Effects
This product is not found to have any side effects. Please don't take without your physician's consultation
Suvarna Bhasma, Rasasindoor, Kantaloha Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Vanga Bhasma, Bhavana-Kumari Swarasa.
Customer Care No - 1800 - 22- 29874