Awesome product
Santulan - Baby Massage Oil
1 review
: In stock
: Santulan
₹ 1,150.00 ...
₹ 1,150.00 ₹ 1,180.00
Gentle, yet effective ayurvedic formulation by Dr.Balaji Tambe from Santulan Ayurved. Santutlan Baby Massage Oil helps in nourishment of body tissues, supports the body development, strengthens the immune...

Gentle, yet effective ayurvedic formulation by Dr.Balaji Tambe from Santulan Ayurved. Santutlan Baby Massage Oil helps in nourishment of body tissues, supports the body development, strengthens the immune system and facilitates sound sleep.
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Laxmi Chandran Awesome product for kids health . very good massage oil