Heklapyrine tooth cleaner is useful in all dental ailments like sensitivity, bleeding gums, pyorrhoea, carries, sordes, plaque, tooth-ache, bad mouth odour etc. indicated in all painful and sick conditions of gum and teeth.
Massage or rub Bhargava's Heklapyrine tooth cleaner on both, gum & teeth either with the help of finger or toothbrush. After that, mouth should be cleaned properly with water. Use twice - in the morning as well as at night post dinner. Regular administration of this tooth cleaner cures all types of complaints related to teeth.
Each 100gm contains Hekla lava 3X 2.0gm, Calendula officinalis Q 1.00m Kreosotum Q 0.6ml, Plantago major Q 1.0m Azadirachta indica Q 1.0ml, Staphysagria Q 1.0m Calcarea carbonica 3X 1.0gm, Calcarea phosphorica 3X 5.0gm, Calcarea fluorica 3x 1.0gm, Mercurius corrosivus 3X 1.0gm, SLS powder 8.0gm, M. Salicylate 0.4ml, Calcium carbonate bases q.s. to 100gm.
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