Benefits of Neem (Margosa)
There is no plant in the world which has such an extensive benefits as the neem tree. Neem has 130 different biologically active compounds which no other plant has. In Ayurveda neem is the most popular medicinal herb which dates back to more than 5000 years of the known history if not more.
Neem is also called ‘arista’ in Sanskrit- a word that means ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’. The seeds, bark and leaves contain compounds with proven antiseptic, antiviral, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and antifungal uses. The Sanskrit name ‘nimba’ comes from the term ‘nimbati syasthyamdadati’ which means ‘to give good health’.
Neem has a garlic-like odor, and a bitter taste. The various parts of this tree have many uses that aptly give neem its name in Sanskrit-“sarva roga nivarini”, meaning ‘the curer of all ailments’. A book will not be enough to list down all the benefits of neem in details. The below mentioned lists the various uses of neem plant and its extracts (Note: The following uses are not a substitution of professional medical advice and cures. Please consult your Doctor or other certified medical practitioners in case of serious or complicated medical ailments before using neem products. Also consult certified Ayurvedic practitioners for the correct dosage and method of use. Also it is advisable not to take neem internally for prolonged periods without consulting a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner/Doctor or qualified Herbalist.
Also not to be taken during Pregnancy):
1. Viral Disease: Neem leaves have often been used in India to treat viral diseases. Neem leaves extract, absorbs and eliminates virus. As a preventive measure, you can prepare a neem paste and apply on the affected area. It is very useful for treating warts, chicken pox, and small pox.
This is because neem absorbs the virus and protects from entering the unaffected areas. Neem extracts, toxic to herpes virus accelerate healing. Tea prepared with leaves of neem and the application of neem ointment on cold sores relieves herpes symptoms. Due to its anti-viral activity, neem leaves are boiled and are used for bathing especially for those who are suffering from skin ailments. This provides respite to conditions such as eczema, cold sores and warts. It soothes inflammation by soothing itching and irritation. Neem leaves also helps to remove intestinal parasites and restores healthy functioning of the intestine.
2. Fungal Diseases: Neem is also effective against fungal diseases that affect human body. These include fungus that causes lung and bronchi infection and mucous membranes. Neem leaves reduce the symptoms of fungal infections and oral thrush. Neem is also effective against fungus that infects hair, skin and nails that includes ringworm that occurs in hands and feet. Consuming leaves also suppresses cancer cells.
3. Cardiac Care: Neem leaves are known to be an effective blood cleanser and drinking neem infused boiled water controls high blood sugar. Neem leaves extract is effective in purifying blood, removing toxins defending against inflictions and damages from free radicals in the body.
Neem leaves helps to dilate blood vessels improving blood circulation and decreases elevated heart rates. It relaxes erratic heart beats and controls high blood pressure.
4. Antiseptic: The leaves, twigs, berries and blossoms of the neem tree can be used in making antiseptic toothpastes, mouthwashes and poultices. It has microbacterial-fighting agents that prevent tooth and gum disease.
5. Eye Problems: Powdered neem leaves mixed with water to a paste form and applied to the eyes relieves eye problems. Boil fresh neem leaves in water for about ten minutes and let it cool completely. Use this water as an eye wash during conjunctivitis and irritation of the eyes.
6. De-wormining: Neem acts as a deworming agent and helps eliminate intestinal worms, restoring
healthy functioning of intestines.
7. Insecticide: Neem oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree and has insecticidal and
medicinal properties due to which it has been used for thousands of years in pest control,
cosmetics, medicines, etc. It is a useful repellent for mites and used to manage over 200 other
species of chewing or sucking insects.
8. Fungicide: Neem oil fungicide is useful against fungi, mildews and rusts when applied in a 1
percent solution. It is also deemed helpful for other kinds of issues such as Root rot, Black spot,
Sooty mold.
9. Fertilizer and soil enhancer: Neem seed cake (residue of neem seeds after oil extraction) when
used for soil amendment or added to soil, not only enriches the soil with organic matter but
also lowers nitrogen losses by inhibiting nitrification. It also works as a nematicide.
10. Toothcare: Twigs of neem are also used in India and Africa as toothbrushes. Nowadays
toothpastes with neem extracts are also available commercially.
11. Fleas & ticks control: Neem bark and roots also have medicinal properties. Bark & roots in
powdered form are also used to control fleas & ticks on pets. Lightly rubbing neem oil into cat or
dog fur will improve the shine of the coat and repel fleas. It will also not harm your pet should
he or she attempt to lick it off.
12. Mosquito Repellant: Neem leaves when dried and Burned help in keeping away mosquitos.
13. Malaria: Neem is used to treat malaria fevers. One of the neem components gedunin is very
effective for treating malaria. Mosquitoes exposed to odours of crushed neem leaves result in
suppression of egg laying. Consuming neem leaves is an acclaimed treatment of malaria.
14. Cancer: Neem bark leaves contain Polysaccharides and liomnoids which are beneficial for
alleviating cancer and tumor cells.
15. Arthritis: Certain properties of neem leaf seed or barks naturally cure arthritis and reduce pain
and swelling in joints. A massage with neem oil is effective in relieving muscle aches and joint
paint and helps alleviate rheumatism, osteoarthritis and lower back pain.
16. Poison Cure: Neem leaves are also effective in treating poisons and insects bites. This is due to
anti-clotting agents that reside in neem leaf extract. Neem leaves are also used in treatment of
ulcers and inflammation as they have significant anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer activity.
17. Skin Moisturizer: The leaves moisturize the skin keeping it soft and supple. They are effective for
lightening scars and pigmentation caused by acne and scabies. If you have pimples on your face,
apply the neem leaf decoction. This can even be used to treat minor wounds. To cure any kind
of skin infection, mix turmeric with neem paste and apply it on your body. Do this regularly for 3
18. Chicken Pox: Post chicken pox treatment, a patient is always advised to take a bath with neem
water to soothe the patient’s skin and prevent additional spreading of the infection.
19. Hair Care: Neem relieves dryness and itching, strengthens hair and promotes hair growth.
20. Skin Toning: Neem leaves for skin can also be used as a toner. Just dip a cotton ball in boiled
neem water and wipe your face with it overnight. This will clear acne, scars, pigmentation and
black heads. This potion can also be used as a hair rinse to treat dandruff and excessive hair fall.
You can also prepare a face pack using neem leaves. Boil neem leaves with small segments of
orange peel in a little water. Add little yoghurt, honey and milk to form a smooth paste. Apply
this to your face and wash of when it dries. This will clear acne and break outs, white heads and
even reduce the appearance of pores.
21. Acne and Pimples: oil a cup of neem leaves in water till the leaves are soft and discolored and
the water turns green. Strain and store in a bottle. Add some water in your regular bathing
water to get rid of acne, infection and body odour. A neem face pack grinding a few neem leaves
with some water work best to treat the pimple and acne problems.
22. Contraceptive: In ancient practice, oil distilled from the leaves, berries and bark of the neem
tree was used as a spermicidal lubricant. The spermicidal properties of neem oil are potent.
23. Massage: Neem oil makes a great massage oil. When massaged into the muscles it has antiseptic
properties that help the body relieve itself of toxins. It is a great oil to use in massage if the
person suffers from conditions like fibromyalgia and other pain-related issues.
24. Scabies: Neem oil is an effective and gentle treatment for scabies infections. When mixed with
turmeric into a paste and applied to the skin and hair, it will eliminate the scabies infestation
without risk of injury–unlike some prescription medications for the same condition.
25. Bruises: Oil distilled from the neem tree is effective in treating bruises. When applied to the
affected area it promotes blood circulation which takes the bruised coloration away.
26. Piles: The use of 3 Grams of inner bark of neem with 6 grams of jaggery every morning is most
effective in treating piles.
27. Diabetes: Neem can be used to treat the non-insulin dependent, type 2 diabetes. It controls the blood sugar level and triggers sugar metabolism. This brings down the blood sugar level and offers long-lasting relief from diabetes. Neem acts as insulin after being digested by the body.
28. Aroma theraphy: Oil extracted from neem flowers is used in aromatherapy due to its calming
and restorative effect on the body. Today neem flower oil and extract are the important
ingredients in various creams, massage oils and astringent.
29. Ear Infections: The extracts of neem seeds are used to make ointments and drops for the eyes and ears. Their antibacterial activity fights against bacterial pathogens that cause eye and ear infections. According to experts, the drops and ointments made from neem seed extracts can be used to effectively treat eye and ear problems that are caused by germs and bacteria.
30. Gastric Problems: Neem has gastro protective element and effective in healing ulcers.
31. Pores and Blackheads: Neem leaves are also excellent exfoliants; it tightens pores and removes impurities when used as a mask.
32. Immunity and Respiratory function: Neem leaf is known to boost internal biological functions when taken in tea or capsule form. Its uses include but are not limited to improved respiratory function, strengthened immune system, better digestive processing, and the scrubbing of toxins from the blood.
33. Spermicide: Neem oil is an effective spermicide that works on both animals and people. In that regard it is an excellent form of birth control. But this means that it should not be taken by anyone who is pregnant or is planning to become so.
34. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a skin disease that is not only painful but also leaves your skin looking as if its burnt. The most common problem associated with this disease is dryness and scaling. Neem oil helps in getting rid of itchiness and irritation. It also helps in keeping the skin moisturized, thus reducing the dryness and scaling. The antibacterial properties also prevent the development of any further skin infections.
35. Eczema: Eczema is a skin disorder which makes the skin dry and itchy. Neem offers instantaneous and long-term relief from eczema. It also effectively cleans the rashes caused due to eczema. You can boil neem bark in water and use its paste as a pack
against eczema.
36. Dark Eye Circles: Neem helps in reducing the pigmentation as well as acts as a
moisturizing agent, it is the perfect solution to this problem. Just make a paste of water
and neem powder and apply it around the eyes. Wash it off after 15 minutes. Do this
every day to see the difference.
37. Baldness: Most of us believe that baldness is a cosmetic issue. But the lesser-known
fact is that baldness can also be a result of some long-term treatment with heavy drugs.
Such cases of baldness can be cured by using neem. Neem makes the hair stronger
against hair fall and restores lost hair too. Regular use of neem as a hair mask and
neem water as a rinse promotes hair growth. Neem also triggers the normal functioning
of the scalp to ensure the regrowth of hair.
38. Skin Aging: Neem contains immune-stimulating compounds and regenerative properties
that help the skin fight pathogens below the skin surface, thus keeping the skin remain
supple. Applying neem oil on your face or adding neem powder to your face packs helps
in soothing the skin and reducing the effects of aging.
39. Asthma: Take a few drops of neem oil – 3 drops to start with, at the center of the tongue
and swallow. Increase the dosage of intake gradually – say 4 drops in the second week,
5 drops in the 3rd week and go up to one teaspoon within six months. Asthma can be
completely cured by this method. This also helps in controlling phlegm, wheezing,
cough, and breathing. Neem offers a long-term relief from such respiratory disorders
when taken regularly.
40. Leprosy: Neem is a popular ancient remedy for leprosy. Neem leaves and sap are two
compounds that are medically proven to be effective in treating this dreaded disease.
The patient, when given 60 grams of neem sap daily, recovers fast from this disease.
Even a neem massage helps to treat leprosy. It heals the skin and offers strong anti-
inflammatory benefits. Leprosy patients should massage neem leaves paste regularly
41. Blood Purifier: Neem, being a purifying agent, clears toxins from the blood. This amazing
health benefit of neem can keep you safe from acne, skin irritations and much more. It
also controls the formation of free radicals.
42. Nail Problems: If you are suffering from common nail problems like splintering and
peeling of nails, then neem oil is the best solution. Neem oil helps in making your nails
strong, thus preventing them from peeling or becoming brittle. These problems might
occur due to some nail infection. Neem oil will help you to tackle that as well. The
antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of neem help you get rid of infections, keeping
your nails healthy. Just massage your nails and cuticles with a few drops of neem oil and
that is all that is required to get healthy nails.
One word of caution is that neem oil does not smell pleasant. Also, you need to make
sure that you wash your hands properly before you eat anything so that you do not
consume the neem oil.
43. Better Liver: If you want improved liver functioning, neem juice is your magic potion.
Nowadays people often face the problem of having a weak liver due to various reasons,
such as excessive or regular consumption of alcohol. Neem juice helps improve the liver
44. Muscle And Joint Pain Reliever: Drinking neem juice or applying it with a bit of oil helps
relieve muscle pulls, pains, and joint pain. It is also known to be a cure for arthritis, which
is a widespread illness nowadays.
45. Weight Loss: Neem flowers are perfect to help you lose weight, especially around your
belly. The flower has very potent properties that help improve metabolism and fat
breakdown. When neem is combined with honey and lemon, it makes a very potent
mixture that helps improve metabolism gets rid of toxins from the body and improves
immunity. According to Ayurvedic texts, lemon and honey have the capability to improve
digestion and elimination of ama or waste from the body – aiding in better fat burning
within your body.Take a few flowers of neem and crush them. Now add a spoon of
honey and the juice of half a lemon to the flowers. Mix well and have this mixture on an
empty stomach, first thing in the morning. Make sure you do not have anything to drink
for at least half an hour after having this mixture.
Ref: of-neem- leaves-for- skin-hair- and-health/ of-neem- for-skin- and-hair/ fat-quickly- with-neem- flowers-pa0115/ 20-health- benefits-of- neem-240115.html of-the- neem-plant/ natures-drugstore/ of-Neem.html